Database | Logo | Description | Subscription |
ACP Journal Club | | ACP Journal Club Archives is a collection of articles and editorials that summarizes the best new evidence for internal medicine from over 130 clinical journals | Subscribed |
BMJ Clinical Evidenc | 
| Evidence Based Medicine
| unSubscribed |
BMJ Journals |  | Full Text Journals | UnSubscribed |
BMJ Learning | 
| Continuing Medical Education | UnSubscribed |
Clinical key |  | Clinical Search Engine for Better Decisions | unSubscribed |
Clinical key for Nursing |  | | |
| Evidence Based Medicine | unSubscribed |
DOAJ |  | Directory of Free Journals with link to over 2000 journals | Free |
EBSCO |  | Dentistry and medicine Fulltext Journals | unSubscribed |
Elsevier |  | Fulltext of over 1400 journals | unSubscribed |
Essential Science Indicator |  | Tools for search individuals, departments and laboratories | Subscribed |
Free Books |  | contains 365 free medical E-books | Free |
Free Medical Journals |  | available 1447 free medical journal online in fulltext | Free |
Google Scholar |  | is a Web search engine that index academic resources in all subject fields | Free |
Gray's Anatomy |  | gray's anatomy online access | Free |
Highwire Press |  | database index 1278 Journals, Books, Reference Works & other Scholarly Publications | Free |
Irandoc |  | Access to scientific information: thesis, research projects, conferences, articles of Iran | Free |
Journal Citation Reports | 
| Jcr provides information about academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences, including impact factors | unSubscribed |
JournalSeek |  | contains descriptive information of 95320 journals | Free |
Ovid | 
| includes 433 fulltext medical journals , 381 E-books, medline, nursing database, drug information and EBM reviews | unSubscribed |
Primal Pictures | | Established in 1991, Primal Pictures create and publish the world’s most medically accurate and detailed 3D graphic rendering of human anatomy based on imaging data. | Subscribed |
Proquest | 
| access to over 1000 fulltext Journals and five databases include nursing, psychology, biology, medicine&health and dissertations | Subscribed |
Pubmed |  | Access to over 15 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life sciences journals and other NCBI molecular biology resources | Free |
| | | |
SAGE Journal | 
| Publishing more than 1,000 journals, from a wide range of disciplines | Subscribed |
Science Direct | 
| Fulltext of over 1400 journals | unSubscribed |
Scirus |  | Powerfull search engine index over 350 million scientific items includes journal sources, institutional repositories, pre-print server material, scientific web pages and much more | Free |
Scopus | | Abstract and indexing database, offers access to 14000 journals | Subscribed |
SID |  | access to 374 Iranian journals in all fields | Free |
Springer | | Access to over 300 medical journals | Subscribed |
Trip Database |  | clinical search tool allow health professionals identify clinical evidence for clinical practice | Free |
UpToDate | 
| Includes clinical questions latest clinical findings, treatment recommendations, Evidence based medicine and other medical informations | unSubscribed |
Web of Science | 
| access to many databases and other resources include: Web of Science, Biological Abstracts, current content.covering 8700 leading journals in science, technology, social sciences, arts, and humanities
| unSubscribed |
Wiley-Blackwell |  | Access to fulltext of about 320 medical journals | Subscribed |